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One cannot use the UV light installed in a laminar air flow hood to visualize DNA in an agarose gel. You will have to use an instrument called a UV transillumunator, which illuminates the gel from below to see the stained DNA.

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1mo ago

No, UV light in a laminar flow hood is not recommended for visualizing DNA bands in agarose gels stained with Ethidium bromide because the laminar flow hood is not designed for safe UV exposure. It is better to use a transilluminator or gel documentation system specifically designed for visualizing DNA bands on agarose gels.

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Q: Can we use the UV light in laminar air flow to see DNA bands in agarose gels stained with Ethidium bromide?
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How do you stain agarose gels?

To stain agarose gels, you can use a DNA stain such as ethidium bromide or safer alternatives like SYBR Safe. After electrophoresis, soak the gel in the staining solution for a short period, then destain or visualize the gel under UV light. Make sure to handle the staining reagents carefully and follow proper disposal procedures.

What step was necessary to make the DNA visible?

The DNA needed to be stained with a dye, such as ethidium bromide or SYBR Green, that binds to the DNA molecules and fluoresces under ultraviolet light. This allows the DNA to become visible when viewed under a UV transilluminator or gel documentation system.

Why are gels stained?

To develop the position of the proteins or nucleic acids bands. The most common stains for proteins are Coomassie brilliant blue and Amido black (among others), and for nucleic acids is ethidium bromide (this compound form a complex with the DNA double helix and is fluorescent under short-range UV light).

What makes DNA visible?

DNA is visible when stained with dyes such as ethidium bromide or SYBR Safe and viewed under ultraviolet light. These dyes intercalate with the DNA molecule and fluoresce under UV light, making the DNA bands visible in agarose gel electrophoresis.

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