

Can a black hole expand

Updated: 6/4/2024
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14y ago

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As a black hole becomes more massive, its event horizon expands. No one knows what happens inside the event horizon. Many have advanced different speculations. We know it retains mass and angular momentum.

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1mo ago

A black hole can increase in mass and size as it consumes more matter, causing it to expand. However, the characteristic size of its event horizon, known as the Schwarzschild radius, is determined by its mass and remains relatively constant, as predicted by general relativity.

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15y ago

Yes. As they swallow matter, the black hole can get bigger and bigger.

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15y ago

well black holes grow when they suck up or absorbe more matter etc.

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9y ago

No. A black hole is as collapsed as something can get. Current modelling suggests that all mass in a black hole is contained in an infinitely dense point called a singularity.

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No. If no matter enters a black hole it will actually slowly lose mass and shrink via Hawking radiation. A black hole will gain mass if matter fals into, which will cause the event horizon to grow.

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No. It simply doesn't work that way.

How is the black hole made?

Stars want to expand when they are active, but their high gravity keeps them the right size. When stars are too old they stop expanding, and its gravity makes it very small. If an object has too much mass for its size, it is a black hole.

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A black hole is a collapsed star with such a strong gravitational pull that not even light can escape from it. This phenomenon occurs when a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses under its own gravity. The boundary surrounding a black hole, beyond which nothing can escape, is called the event horizon.

What is the difference between a Scchwarzschild and a Kerr black hole?

A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.

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A black hole originated as a star, that is, the star converted to a black hole.

Will the sun ever become a black hole?

Our Sun will never become a black hole. It does not have enough mass and thus pressure to initial the sequences required to form a black hole. In about 5 billion years time, our Sun will slowly expand into a red giant, a billion years later it will shed it's outer envelope leaving nothing more that a very hot white dwarf about the size of the Earth. Not that we will be around to see it.

What are the steps as to creating a black hole?

Creating a black hole naturally requires a massive star to collapse at the end of its life cycle. This collapse causes the star's core to shrink to a point of infinite density, forming a singularity surrounded by an event horizon. This event horizon marks the boundary beyond which not even light can escape, creating a black hole.

What does a black hole do with what it suck in?

A black hole absorbs everything it sucks in, including matter and light. Once something crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it is unable to escape and is thought to be crushed into a point of infinite density at the singularity.

Where will you go in a black hole it?

If you fall into a black hole, you'll go into the black hole and nowhere else.