Salmon sharks are primarily piscivorous, meaning they eat fish, but they have also been known to eat squid, shrimp, and crabs. I would not classify them as omnivores.
Yes, sharks are carnivores because they eat only meat. They can't be herbivores because they don't eat vegetation.
yes, but they also every now and then eat random things such as: metal...even though people are meat that's another rare thing they will eat,unless its a popular zone.
yes thay are because we are feeding them meat and we are forsing them to eat meat ok
Yes a shark is a carnivor because it has the teeth of a carnivore and it eats only other animals.
Carnivores, they only eat other fish and seals in the ocean.
Yes, sharks are carnivores. They primarily feed on other fish, marine mammals, and invertebrates. Some species of sharks also consume seabirds and even other sharks.
are sand tiger sharks omnivores,carnivoes or herbavores what do they eat
No, sharks are not omnivores. They are carnivores, meaning they primarily feed on other animals such as fish and marine mammals.
Yes, Sharks, Dolphins, and several other carnivores live underwater
Carnivores, they only eat other fish and seals in the ocean.
sharks, whale, and dolphin sharks are carnivores whales are carnivores dolphins are omnivores
Yes, sharks are carnivores. They primarily feed on other fish, marine mammals, and invertebrates. Some species of sharks also consume seabirds and even other sharks.
Sharks do not eat plants. They are carnivores and primarily feed on fish, squid, seals, sea lions, and other marine animals.
Yes, sharks are carnivores.
Yes, sharks are carnivores.
yes,because they eat meat which makes them carnivores.
No. There are non-mammalian carnivores that live in the ocean, such as sharks.
sharks are carnivores. they are never vegetarian.