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Q: Are Memory cells descendants of an activated B or T cell?
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What does a B-cell become when activated?

When activated, a B-cell can differentiate into plasma cells that produce antibodies to fight off pathogens. Additionally, B-cells can also become memory B-cells that can quickly respond to future infections by the same pathogen.

How b cell responds to the initial antigen challenge?

Upon initial antigen challenge, B cells with specific surface receptors that match the antigen become activated. These activated B cells differentiate into plasma cells that produce antibodies targeting the antigen. Additionally, some B cells can also become memory B cells to mount a faster and more robust immune response upon subsequent exposures.

Which White blood cells that activate plasma cells?

Helper T cells (Th2 cells) play a role in activating plasma cells, which are responsible for producing antibodies. Helper T cells release cytokines that stimulate B cells to differentiate into plasma cells and produce specific antibodies against pathogens.

What are the names of all the cells in your body?

There are a lot of cells in the body but, i can only name a few (if it helps): red blood cells white blood cells, T-cell cheek cell, Hair cell eye cells Stem cell nerve cells Heart cell skin cell liver cell sperm cell muscles cell egg cell connective cell fat cell pancreatic cell memory cell goblet cell brain cell bone cell Hope that helped :D

What two processes are directed by viral genes that are activated inside the host cell?

Replication and assembly of new viral particles are processes directed by viral genes that are activated inside the host cell. The viral genes hijack the host cell machinery to produce more virus particles and assemble them before releasing them to infect other cells.

Related questions

What does a B-cell become when activated?

When activated, a B-cell can differentiate into plasma cells that produce antibodies to fight off pathogens. Additionally, B-cells can also become memory B-cells that can quickly respond to future infections by the same pathogen.

What the difference between a b cell and a b memory cell?

A plasma B cell is a B cell that has been activated to proliferate and produce antibodies against a specific antigen. A memory B cell is a B cell that lives a long time after an infection to provide long lasting immunity against that specific antigen. They both originate from the same B cell in your secondary lymph system. Once activated the specific B cell will proliferate into plasma B cells and memory B cells.

How b cell responds to the initial antigen challenge?

Upon initial antigen challenge, B cells with specific surface receptors that match the antigen become activated. These activated B cells differentiate into plasma cells that produce antibodies targeting the antigen. Additionally, some B cells can also become memory B cells to mount a faster and more robust immune response upon subsequent exposures.

What is the difference between a B cell and a memory B cell?

B cells are a type of white blood cell that produce antibodies to fight infections. Memory B cells are a subset of B cells that "remember" previous infections and can mount a quicker and stronger immune response upon re-exposure to the same pathogen.

T cells and B cells activated only by what?

T cells are activated by antigens presented on the surface of antigen-presenting cells, such as dendritic cells. B cells are activated primarily by recognizing antigens with their B cell receptor, although they may also require T cell help for full activation.

Do memory cells aid the immune system?

YES! Memory cells, play a huge role in your immune system. While the primary response may not use memory cells, it does produce them, in the form of Memory B and Memory T cells.Memory B Cells have receptors for the antigen built into their membranes. When the antigen binds to these receptors, they activate the B cells. This causes the cell to undergo rapid divisions that produce more memory B cells and plasma cells (Effector B cells). The plasma cells go on to make antibodies to neutralize the pathogen, while the additional memory B cells can become activated and produce more plasma cells. This is called a humoral response.Memory T Cells work differently. These cells have a different type of receptor, that requires the antigen to be presented on an MHC (major histocompatibility complex) molecule on an infected host cell. If an antigen for that receptor is encountered these cells can in turn activate Cytotoxic (killer/effector) T cells to destroy the host cell. This is call a cell mediated response.In short, memory cells are a vital part of you immune system that allow for a faster response the second time you get infected. This is why you don't feel sick the second time you get a cold.

What is a memory cell made of?

white blood cells

How are helper t cells activated?

Helper T cells are activated when their T cell receptor interacts with an antigen-presenting cell that has processed and presented a specific antigen to them. This interaction triggers the helper T cell to proliferate and differentiate into effector cells that help coordinate the immune response. Co-stimulatory signals from the antigen-presenting cell also play a crucial role in activating helper T cells.

What are long lived b cell clone members that do not become plasma cells but are capable of an immune response against the same antigen at a later time called?

Memory Cells

Which cell types initiate a secondary immune response?

Memory B cells and memory T cells are the cell types that initiate a secondary immune response. Memory cells are formed after an initial exposure to a specific pathogen and rapidly respond upon re-exposure, leading to a quicker and more robust immune response.

How does a liver cell differ from a heart cell?

brain cells are activated by brain genes and heart cells are activated by heart genes. that's how they function, by their genes

How does mw3 effect test performance?

because it kills brain cells and some brain cells have memory and if your memory is killed you will not know what that brain cell had stored