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1mo ago

Angelfish reproduce sexually, meaning they require both a male and female to fertilize eggs. The female releases eggs into the water, and the male fertilizes them externally.

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Q: Angelfish reproduce asexually or sexually
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Does all insects reproduce sexually or asexually?

Mostly sexually, but some insects can reproduce asexually, such as the aphid

Can the organisms in the protista kingdom reproduce sexually or asexually?

i think asexually

Do zooflagellates ever reproduce sexually?

Yes. They can produce sexually and asexually.

Which organisms reproduce sexually and asexually?

flamingo or shark

Do the drosera capensis reproduce asexually or sexually?

Drosera capensis primarily reproduce sexually through seeds, but they can also reproduce asexually through vegetative propagation using plant divisions or leaf cuttings.

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Angiosperms reproduce sexually through the process of pollination, where pollen is transferred from the male reproductive organ to the female reproductive organ. Asexual reproduction in angiosperms can occur through processes such as vegetative propagation, where new plants are produced from vegetative structures like roots, stems, or leaves without the involvement of seeds or spores.

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Do animals reproduce sexually or asexually?

Animals reproduce sexually, where genetic material from two parents combine to produce offspring. This involves the fusion of gametes (sperm and egg) from two individuals to form a genetically unique offspring.

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Bobcats reproduce sexually.

Does a bird reproduce sexually or asexually?

Birds reproduce sexually.

Do worms reproduce sexually or asexually?

Worms reproduce sexually by mating with another worm of the same species. They typically have separate male and female individuals, although some species can also reproduce asexually through fragmentation or parthenogenesis.

How the duck reproduce sexually or asexually?

Ducks reproduce sexually, with a male duck (drake) fertilizing the eggs of a female duck (hen) through copulation. A duck pair will engage in courtship displays before mating occurs, with the female then laying and incubating the fertilized eggs. Asexual reproduction, such as cloning or parthenogenesis, is not a common method of reproduction in ducks.