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A quarter pound is 4 ounces

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Q: A quarter pound stick of butter weighs how many ounces?
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How much does a quarter of a pound of weed weigh in ounces?

A quarter pound of anything weighs 3 ounces. There are 16 ounces to one pound. 16 ­÷ 4 = 3

How much does a quarter of ounce of weed weigh on a scale?

A quarter pound.It weighs the same as a quarter pound of butter.A quarter pound of anything weighs a quarter pound

What weights more a quarter pound or an ounces?

An ounce is one sixteenth of a pound.A quarter pound is equal to 4 ounces.Therefore a quarter pound weighs more than an ounce.

A quarter pound stick of butter is how many grams?

That is 4 ounces of butter, in US known as a 'stick'

How much does a one fourth pound hamburger patty weigh?

Answer:it depends on the burger... a quarter pounder from mcdonalds is probably a quarter of a pound... which is 4 ounces But the TYPICAL hamburger is 2 to 2.5 ounces depending on a promotion or not.

Is a quarter pound more than a 1 pound?

Without knowing the density of the quart of material, this cannot be answered. A quart of iron weighs more than one pound, a quart of air weighs (much!) less.

How many ounces does a one-fourth pound chicken weigh?

4 ounces, but good luck finding a chicken that weighs one quarter of a pound.

How many quarter pounds are equal to one pound?

A modern (1965 or later) US quarter weighs 0.2 oz. so there are 5 per ounce, times 16 ounces in a pound = 80 quarters.

Which weighs more 3 pounds of butter or 60 ounces ounces of butter?

3 pounds of butter

Is a quarter-pound heavier than a ounce?

Yes. There are 16 ounces in a pound and so there are 4 ounces in a quarter-pound.

How many ounces in a quarter pound?

4 ounces in a quarter pound

How many pounds in an 8 ounce steak?

A pound is 16 ounces. A quarter of a pound would be 4 ounces.