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muscular and skeletal system :)

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The musculoskeletal system has suffered damage in this scenario due to the sprained ankle. The cardiovascular and nervous systems may also be impacted as the body responds to the injury by increasing blood flow and sending pain signals to the brain.

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Q: A jogger has stepped in a pothole and sprained his ankle What systems have suffered damage?
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How do you sue the city of oceanside ca due to car damage caused by potholes?

You should begin first by having some evidence of damage such as a mechanic's estimate of what the repair cost will be. You should have pictures of the pothole and its approx size. Pictures of damage to your wheel or suspension systems would also help and should be noted on mechanics estimate. Send certified letter to city attorney about your claim. Your claim MUST be denied by the city before you can sue, this may take more time. You will need proof of this denial before you file your suit and agian have claim served upon the city attorney by the sheriffs dept. If they know they are in the wrong they may settle out prior to trial, if not, make sure you bring evidence and especially any witnesses that were either with you or may have seen you strike the pothole. I am not an attorney and the above information is not intended to be legal advice.