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it would need 300 L

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1mo ago

A houseplant typically needs around 300 mL of water each time it is watered. However, giving a houseplant 300 L of water at once would likely drown the plant and lead to root rot. It's important to water plants in moderation to avoid waterlogging the soil.

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Q: A houseplant would need about 300 mL or 300 L of water at one time?
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What tool would you use to measure the time it takes to bring water to boil?

A stopwatch or a timer would be suitable to measure the time it takes to bring water to a boil.

How many watts to freeze water?

The amount of energy required to freeze water depends on the initial temperature of the water and the desired final temperature (0°C for freezing water). To calculate the power in watts needed to freeze water, you would need to know the mass of water, its initial temperature, and the time over which you want to freeze it.

Why would a glass of cold water reach room temperature faster than a bucket of cold water?

It takes less time to cool or heat a galls of water because there is less water. If it was a spoon of water it would take less time than a bucket. It is all about amount.

What two pieces of measuring equipment to see if changing the temperature of the water is affected the time taken for a cold cure powder to dissolve in water are needed?

You would need a thermometer to measure the water temperature and a timer to track the time it takes for the cold cure powder to dissolve at different temperatures. By comparing the dissolution time at different temperatures, you can determine the effect of temperature on the dissolution rate of the powder.

What materials do you need to do does salt water boil faster than plain water?

To test whether salt water boils faster than plain water, you'll need a stove, two identical pots, water, salt, thermometers, and a timer. Fill one pot with plain water and the other with salt water (salt dissolved in water). Heat both pots at the same time, measure the time it takes for each to reach boiling point, and record the results.

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How often do you need to water a jade plant?

You don't need to water it too much, because the "leaves" of the plant hold in a lot of water. You should only water it twice a week with about half a cup of water each time. I allow my jade plant to almost entirely dry out between watering. If the leaves look wrinkled, then it is overdue for water, but generally erring on the side of moderately dry soil is best for this houseplant. Over-watering will cause rot, and death to this house plant.

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If you have a difficult time keeping houseplants alive, you need to do your research to find out what your plant needs. Many times, homeowners do not know exactly what type of houseplant they have. This can make caring for the plant difficult. If you cannot identify your houseplant, take it to a garden center and ask a staff member if they know what type of plant you have. If the plant is too large to transport, bring along a picture. The garden center will be able to tell you what type of houseplant you own, and give you specific recommendations for its care.

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idk maybe its cause there a shark and last time i checked they need water.... im a telling YOU ITS CUZ THEY NEED WAATHHH Because they are like any other shark. They need water to survive. Just like humans need food and water to survive. If you were to put a human in a room with no food they would die eventually. Same with the tiger shark. If you don't keep them in water they will eventually dry up and die.

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