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1.not all bacteria is bad

2.some helps you get protein in food

3.I don't know

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4w ago
  1. Many bacteria are beneficial and necessary for human health, such as those in the gut microbiome that help with digestion and immune function.
  2. Only a small percentage of bacteria are pathogenic and can cause harm to humans.
  3. Some bacteria are even used in the production of food and medicine and play a crucial role in various ecological processes.
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βˆ™ 4y ago

1.Bacteria help us survive and live in us.


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Q: A friend states that all bacteria are harmful to people list 3 reasons why this statement is inaccurate?
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When observing your microscope slide you are unable to locate any bacteria what are some possible reasons for this observation?

There are no bacteria on the slide.Your lens cap is on.You are not looking in the right place.The microscope is in the wrong focus.

Why is there bacteria on your hands after you washed them?

Bacteria can still be present on your hands after washing due to various reasons, such as not using enough soap, not washing for the recommended amount of time (at least 20 seconds), or not washing all areas of your hands thoroughly (including under fingernails and between fingers). Additionally, the type of soap used and the effectiveness of your hand washing technique can also impact how well bacteria are removed.

Why is bacteria important?

Bacteria are important for many reasons, including their role in breaking down organic matter, recycling nutrients in ecosystems, aiding in digestion in animals, and producing substances like antibiotics and vitamins. Some bacteria can also be used in biotechnology for processes like fermentation and bioremediation.

How are bacteria classified name the two large classes?

Bacteria are classified based on their shape, structure, and metabolism. The two large classes are the Gram-positive bacteria, which have a thick cell wall that retains a violet stain in the Gram staining process, and the Gram-negative bacteria, which have a thinner cell wall that does not retain the stain.

What are three ways bacteria can be harmful?

Streptococcus bacteria may cause small infections like strep throat and some serious diseases like pneumonia. Certain streptococci may be fatal. Campylobacter is a group of bacteria that can create illnesses in humans and is a common cause of food poisoning.Harmful bacteria in food cause botulism, which can cause paralysis or even death if even one millionth of the bacterium is ingested. Yersinia pestis or bubonic plague, is a rod-shaped type of bacterium which is well known for its harmful nature. Bacteria-carrying fleas found on animals such as rats and mice transmit the bacteria that are believed to have caused the deaths of millions of people in human history

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