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Some examples of The Law of Interaction which was developed by Isaac newton and states that every force in nature has an equal and opposite reaction to every interaction are:

  1. propulsion of a fish through water
  2. moving car
  3. pulling a rope on a wall
  4. a rifle is fired on and recoils
  5. a rocket launched into the space
  6. Baseball bat hitting a baseball
  7. blowing a balloon
  8. baseball hits a glove
  9. Bowling ball hits pin
  10. a foot hits a football
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10y ago
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4mo ago
  1. A book resting on a table exerts a downward force on the table, while the table exerts an equal and opposite upward force on the book.
  2. When kicking a soccer ball, the foot exerts a force on the ball causing it to move forward, while the ball exerts an equal and opposite force back on the foot.
  3. When a rocket engine expels gases backward, there is a corresponding forward force that propels the rocket forward.
  4. When swimming, a person pushes water backward with their arms, which then propels them forward due to the water exerting an equal and opposite reaction.
  5. When pushing a shopping cart, the hands exert a force on the cart causing it to move forward, while the cart exerts an equal and opposite force back on the hands.
  6. When jumping off a diving board, the person exerts a downward force on the board causing it to bend, and the board then exerts an equal and opposite force pushing the person upward.
  7. When a car drives on the road, the wheels exert a backward force on the road allowing the car to move forward, while the road exerts an equal and opposite forward force on the wheels.
  8. When a person walks on the ground, their feet exert a backward force on the ground which propels them forward, with the ground exerting an equal and opposite force pushing the person forward.
  9. When a fish swims by moving its tail back and forth, it pushes water backward with its tail, which then propels the fish forward due to the water exerting an equal and opposite force.
  10. In a tug-of-war game, each team exerts a force on the rope in opposite directions, with the stronger team winning by exerting a greater force.
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10y ago

An example of the law of interaction is a fish swimming through the water. Other examples are a rocket launching, a bat hitting a baseball, and a bowling ball hitting a pin. A foot kicking a ball would be another example of the law of interaction.

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10y ago

The Law of Interaction was developed by Isaac Newton, and states that every force in nature has an equal and opposite reaction to every interaction. This phenomenon can be seen in pushing anything - if you push a box across the floor, the distance that it moves is equal to the force you are exerting on it from the opposite direction.

More examples are:

  1. propulsion of a fish through water
  2. moving car
  3. pulling a rope on a wall
  4. a rifle is fired on and recoils
  5. a rocket launched into the space
  6. baseball bat hitting a baseball
  7. blowing a balloon
  8. baseball hits a glove
  9. bowling ball hits pin
  10. a foot hits a football
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11y ago

give 5 situation were the law interaction is illustrated

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The law of acceleration states that an object will accelerate in the direction of the net force applied to it. The law of interaction, also known as Newton's third law of motion, states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In simpler terms, the law of acceleration is about how an object changes its motion, while the law of interaction describes the mutual forces between interacting objects.

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The three laws of motion are: The Law of Inertia The Law of Acceleration and The Law of Interaction.