Mitwa is a Hindi song that was written by Shankar Ehsaan-Loy. The song was sung by a Pakistani named Shafqat Amanat Ali.
Mitwa was created in 2005.
i wantLyrics with sargam of mitwa
The duration of Mitwa Phool Kamal Ke is -1500.0 seconds.
Mitwa Phool Kamal Ke was created on 2009-05-27.
Mitwa Phool Kamal Ke ended on 2010-01-29.
Mitwa has: Played Mitwa in "Ghayal" in 1990. Performed in "Yaran Naal Baharan" in 1991. Performed in "Raghuveer" in 1995. Performed in "Ghatak: Lethal" in 1996. Played Merkhi in "Godmother" in 1999. Performed in "Lajja" in 2001. Performed in "Khakee" in 2004.
The song "Mitwa" is a famous Hindi original soundtrack song in a Hindi film "Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna by director Karan Johar. This song was released on June 16, 2006.
Her real name is Tanvi Bhatia :)
The cast of Mitwa - Phool Kamal Ke - 2009 includes: Rameshwari as Kanta Tanvi Bhatia as Bela Swati Chitnis as Mahaviri Rudrakshi Gupta as Sargam Shahbaaz Khan as Maamchand Chaudhary Nigaar Khan as Rajbala Rocky Verma as Bajrangi Manav Vij as Raghav Manish Wadhwa as Nirbhay Chaudhary
Sid Mittra has written: 'Investment analysis and portfolio management' -- subject(s): Investment analysis, Portfolio management
The cast of Yaran Naal Baharan - 1991 includes: Mitwa Deep Dhillon as Komand Singh Satish Patel Bal Ravi as Raja K. Singh