Musician jobs can be found at specialty websites such as MusiciansPage, MyMusicJob, MusicWork and Jobs4Musicians. Some jobs can also be found at traditional employment websites.
you huys are reatarded how hard is it just to find some facts about Josquin Des Prez
Jane Ira Bloom is a saxophonist and composer. She has a page on Facebook with a lot of information. Jazzhistoryonline is another source to find out about her.
There are several sources of information on Augustus Pablo. Wikipedia has an article about him, there is information on iTunes, and Amazon has listings for his music as well.
You have to have a itunes account first. Then go to you music on itunes(on you PC or MAC) right hand click it pick Get album artwork - then let it find it. if that dosent work then you can't get the artwork.
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There are many places where it is possible to find reviews about Burton P1. One can find reviews about Burton P1 at popular on the web sources such as eOpinions and Amazon.
Someone could find Burton snowboard jackets for sale at online retailers such as moosejaw and the house, as well as at the actual Burton website itself.
One could find Burton snowboarding jackets at a variety of places online or in store. One could go to Amazon or eBay or on the official Burton website.
Snowboard bags by Burton can be purchased at one's nearest Burton brand stores, or through online they can go to the official site of Burton to find their desired snowboard bags.
The best place to find sales on Burton clothing would be to check your local sporting, or outdoors store. These are the places that typically carry Burton products and they would know if any of them are on sale.
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The Burton Company in the UK can be found in a variety of locations. Some of the places that a shopper could find a Burton Company store are in Bristol, Manchester, Liverpool and Chatham.
You can buy Burton socks from retailers such as Walmart and Target. If your local retailers do not stock this particular product, you can find them on the Burton website and order a pair online.
The musician Mephis Bleek I could not find, but I did find the musician Memphis Bleek. He was a New York rapper, he is 34 years old and is still making music today.
August Rush