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some examples;

  • Every time I write a rhyme, thEse pEople think it's a crime - Eminem, Criminal
  • I'm running up on someone's lawns with guns drawn. - Eminem Rock Bottom
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Q: What rapper is respected for his assonance and flow?
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Assonance is the repeated use of vowel sounds in words of a rap song and flow is a rapper's ability to make smooth transitions between phrases Which rapper is respected for his skill in both these a?

Eminem is respected for his skill in both assonance and flow.

What rapper is respected for his assonance?

Eminem is respected for his assonance. Assonance is the repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in nonrhyming stressed syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible.

What non-black rapper is respected in the industry for his flow?


What rapper is respected for his assonance flow?

eminemsome examples;Every time I write a rhyme, thEse pEople think it's a crime - Eminem, CriminalI'm running up on someone's lawns with guns drawn. - Eminem Rock Bottom

What non black rapper is respected in the industry for his industry for his flow?


Which rapper is especially known for his assonance and flow?


What makes you a good rapper?

flow and vocabulary

Who is j flow?

jflow is an Indonesian rapper

How old is ymcmb Flow?

YMCMB rapper Flow is currently 29 years old.

Why is assonance used?

Assonance is used to create musicality and rhythm in writing by repeating vowel sounds within words. It can add emphasis to certain sounds and create a cohesive flow in the text. Additionally, assonance can help convey a certain mood or tone in the writing.

Who is a better rapper Lil Wayne or flo-rida?

Flo Rida is a better 'rapper' who can flow very fast. Flo Rida is a better 'rapper' who can flow very fast.

Who is the best rapper in beaver?

J flow & T-Red,