worn horn
worn horn
worn horn, torn horn
A hink-pink for an incorrect melody could be "wrong song." In hink-pink riddles, the goal is to find a pair of rhyming words that describe a specific word or phrase. In this case, "wrong" and "song" rhyme and accurately describe an incorrect melody.
grim hymn
worn horn
worn horn
worn horn, torn horn
shabby tabby
Thin inn is the hink pink for skinny hotel.
The hink pink for "boy's test" is "lad's quiz."
The duration of Pink Trumpet is 360.0 seconds.
"Man pan" is a hink pink for male pot or masculine skillet.
Dark ark is a Hink-Pink for Noah's boat with the lights off.
lathering gathering is the hink pink for a group of men shaving
pink mink
Pink Trumpet was created on 1978-11-04.