A resonator guitar is a subset of the acoustic guitar type. The noise is made by the use of spun metal cones or discs which are called resonator cones. They are quite common.
Yes, you should be able to use tux guitar, google it to see what i mean. Although I'm not sure if it has the realistic sound engine.
Just the distortion from a Marshall JCM 900 amp (they don't use distortion pedals).
Paul Reed Smith Twitter.com/billydawson1
I'm not sure what Rise Against uses for distortion but they use Gibson Les Pauls and Marshall Amps.
I would use save it as an MP3, download audacity if you already haven't, it's a safe and free software to download. Open and save the MP3 version as a WAV. It's self explanitory when you've downloaded audacity.
you can use a regular white shirt, then get come cloth to cut it like the sailor neck thing. then sew it on the shirt, then sew on the bow.
If you are using the multi model edition of MMD you can just open your MMD → go to the red box (down to the left that says 'model manipulation') → click 'load' → it will aoutomaticlly open your models folder (where there are Rin, Len and others) → click on the model you want to use → then click 'load' = you have loaded a new model.
yes but its very fiddly! one place i found was here~ http://giuseppevocaloid.blogspot.com/2008/07/hatsune-miku-tutorial-para-espaol.html (i dont speak or understand a word of spannish so dont worry lol) if you scroll down you will find letter in bold and alot of gibberish next to them. the letters in bold are the sound, and the ones in the brackets are the input letters to make that sound ^^ im not sure if its the same, but this did help me, so maybe it can help you too =D (you can always use a web translater to translate it all for you ^^)
The LEN function counts the amount of characters in a cell. For example: =LEN(A3)
You can use any guitar hero guitar with any guitar hero.
Yes,you can. You can use the same guitar for all the guitar heros.
Yes, you can, u can use he same guitar!!! :D:D:D:D:D Yes, you can, u can use he same guitar!!! :D:D:D:D:D
Yes you can, you can use every type of guitar for any Guitar Hero game.
No, I use Martin's Guitar Polish on my guitar. However, if you have a modern guitar (not an antique), Windex WITHOUT ammonia is OK.
they use a guitar with strings as opposed to a guitar without a strings and it is red
No. You can only use it on the guitar hero games after guitar hero 3.