The pentatonic scale.
* The children made a concerted effort to include the new student in their game at recess time. * We should all make a concerted effort to not contribute rubbish on Wikianswers.
most soft music eg twinkle star
Ok, assuming you are referring to a Bb trumpet:The B MAJOR scale is as follows:B - C♯ - D♯ - E - F♯ - G♯ - A♯ - BTo get that to a minor scale, you lower the 3rd, 6th, and 7th scale degrees:B - C♯ - D - E - F♯ - G - A - BBecause you mentioned the trumpet transposition I'll put that in here too.Because you have a Bb trumpet, you need to transpose. The easiest way to transpose is to use a "circle of fifths" or "circle of fourths" its the same thing. It just depends on which way you go around.So using the circle of fifths you would need to play the Db/C♯ Scale. (they are enharmonic and are the same)Which is:Db - Eb - F - Gb - Ab - Bb - C - DbMinor:Db - Eb - Fb (E) - Gb - Ab - B - Cb (B) - DbThe reason why I'm writing Fb instead of E is because of the theory of writing scales in that there can only be one of each note in a scale (excluding the root)Just for kicks, heres the C♯ scaleC♯ - D♯ - E# - F# - G♯ - A♯ - B# - C♯Minor:C♯ - D♯ - E - F♯ - G♯ - A - B - C♯
The musician played the piano beautifully at the concert.
yes...but technically you would want to use the chord that went with the scale
to play
Who knows...... How about use another web
Use either the minor pentatonic scale (don't use the b5/#4) or play a dominant scale over the key signature (which is like a major scale with a b7). If it's a minor funk chart then use either the minor penatonic scale or the dorian minor, which is like natural minor with a #6 (or a major scale with a b3 and b7)
It means by chance. In concert bands, they use it to do a scale in layers, meaning it is a random set of notes going up the scale. Look up the song," Alchemy, Spirit into Sound" and you will hear many measures of this concept.
A bow (different pronunciations: they use a bow to play the violin and they can bow to the audiences applause afterwards)
Concert schedules are used to organize the flow of a concert. They inform the audience as well as the band members what to expect in the hours throughout the concert.
You would use a scale for measuring weight.You would use a scale for this.
The collective noun is an audience of concert goers.
a logarithmic scale
you use a map scale by measuring by inches