bob marly once said in a interview that he does not not look up to anyone but jah
Bob marley! (APEX)
No, Bob Marley is not single.
Bob Marley is a/an Singer songwriter
Yes, Bob Marley was a revolutionary.
bob marley died
justin bieber
Bob Marley.
bob marly once said in a interview that he does not not look up to anyone but jah
Bob marley! (APEX)
The dog was named Marley while they were driving home and a Bob Marley song was playing on the radio so i think that yes, he was named after Bob Marley.yes he was named after the great bob marley! +
No, Bob Marley is not single.
Neville Livingston(Bunny Wailer) I think but not quite sure
NO, he has had 12 children to 13 women.
Bob Marley
Bob Marley
bob marley