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Hamsters do have yellow teeth it is normal.

it is an extra layer of enamel. It makes the rats teeth stronger

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Q: Why are your hamsters teeth yellow?
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Related questions

Are hamsters meant to have yellow teeth?

Yes, hamsters should have yellow teeth.

What do you do if your teddy bear hamster has yellow teeth?

All hamsters have yellow teeth... It's normal:)

Do hamsters lose their baby teeth?

no hamsters dont have baby teeth -bb

Do hamsters have buck teeth?

no they dont have buck teeth

Do hamsters have teeth?


How big can a hamsters teeth get?

A hamsters teeth don't get that big at all. They only get up to 2 inches from the gums up.

How do hamsters bite?

With Their teeth Maybe?

How do you check your hamsters teeth?

You eat the hamster. Then you yawn. Then you look at the teeth.

What breed of hamster has the softest teeth?

All hamsters have hard teeth!

What is the difference between hamster teeth and rat teeth?

really nothing hamsters teeth are just smaller

Does kesha have yellow teeth?

No kesha doesn't have yellow teeth

What color do hamsters teeth turn when they are sick?
