It depends on which one you mean. There are tons of girls in Motley Crue's Girls Girls Girls music video.
one of the girls was Amis from Americas Next Top Model.
One of the girls is Alie Layus. >_> and the blond one is carla maria
one of them is whyte chocolate
One the girls,a blonde, is australian model, Imogen Bailey
One can find more information about video girls from certain information websites pertaining to video girls as well as forums pertaining to video girls as well.
It depends on which one you mean. There are tons of girls in Motley Crue's Girls Girls Girls music video.
Girls play video games because they can. No one has the right to say they cannot play them. Girls can do whatever they want: play video games, become video game programmers, or whatever. : )
one of the girls was Amis from Americas Next Top Model.
all of them cute
Well 2 of them come to my school in Lubbock Texas and the school is Evans Middle school. One of them is in 8th grade with me and the other is in 6th grade and they just live a regular life and teens...evans is used to it.
One can find information on cuties, or cute people, from many different online sources. Many Tumblr pages for example, are dedicated specifically to showing off cuties and information about them.
You can get one of those Cuties at Petsmart or Petco.
One of the girls is Alie Layus. >_> and the blond one is carla maria
Michelle Game is one of them
one of them is whyte chocolate