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Cee lo greens hands are so small because his hands won't grow anymore.

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Q: Why are cee-lo green's hands so small?
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So your fingers can do many things

Why are cee lo green's hands so small?

he have some sort of dwarfism

How does your hands grow?

once upon a time there was a magical hand fairy that decided people's hands were to small so she put a spell on all humans so that forever and always there hands would grow

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I love Apricots! What's a apricot? apricots are so small in my hands.

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Because she eats her greens

How big are john stockton's hands?

Huge. For a guy who was 6'1 or so, he hand hands like Michael Jordan. Kobe Bryant is the opposite, utilizing unnaturally small hands for a man his size and relying on two hands on the ball when he takes it to the rim.

Do you have to have big fingers to play the clarinet?

No. In fact, many of the best professional players I know have rather small hands. For young students small hands can be challenging at first, so be certain you don't create poor habits of hand position.

How do you make ceelo hatch on fantage?

Just go to pet town and change ur egg settings and play games so u can get ur egg to hatch faster! :D

Are chickens carnivore's or herbivore's?

they are both no kidding. in the summer if they are in a pen and not getting enough greens they will peck at eachothers butts. my chickens do so we have to give them enough greens in the summertime.

Can bearded dragons eat califlower?

In SMALL amounts. Don't feed them too much of it. Stay away from Iceberg lettuce completely. And do small amounts of kale and spinach. I suggest going with carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, peas and even corn in small amounts. You can also try dandelion flowers, and cactus fruit! You should feed them greens every day, but try a variety of different mixtures. Answer Never feed your dragon anything from the cabbage family (like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc) and spinach should never be fed to them. It can all bind to their calcium so they dont absorb it which will lead to metabolic bone disease.... painful and Fatal. This is the list of what I use: Endive, escarole, mustard greens, collard greens, dandelion, turnip tops, shredded butternut squash. All can be a dietary staple and fairly easily available. For occasional additions You can try cut up green beans, and okra. And a weekly snack for mine is cut up raspberry which I hand feed them because they like that.

When books say 'he clasped his hands on the small of his back' what does it mean?

It means that he placed his hands on the lower part of his back, just above the buttocks. This is a common posture that people adopt when experiencing discomfort or pain in the lower back.