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Q: Who is the composer of -Vienna city of my dreams?
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Which city is known as the city of dreams?


In which European city did composer beethoven die?

Beethoven died in Vienna, Austria.

Famous composer such as Mozart beethoven and Strauss lived in what city?

Vienna, Austria

What are five historical facts about Vienna?

The first snow globe was invented in Vienna in 1900. Vienna is known as the city of dreams as well as the city of music. Every year over 200 balls happen in Vienna. Vienna is the only capital city that produces its own wine. PEZ was invented in Vienna.

What famous composer was born in Vienna?


Was the composer beetevon Russian?

No, Ludwig Von Beethoven was a German composer and spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria.

What famous composer did Mozart meet in Vienna and become friends with?


Is Franz Peter Schubert a composer?

Vienna Austria January 31, 1797

City of Vienna is known as the capital of?

The city of Vienna is the capital of Austria.

Is Vienna a business or industrial city?

Vienna is primarily a business city.

When was Vienna City Marathon created?

Vienna City Marathon was created in 1984.

When was Vienna City Festival created?

Vienna City Festival was created in 2001.