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coheed...and cambria

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Q: Who is the actor in the coheed and cambria video welcome home?
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Who sings the song in Brianna Frost's trailer video on her website and what is the name of the song?

welcome home by coheed and cambria

Who sings the song in Brianna Frost's trailer video on her website and whats the name of the song?

coheed and cambria, welcome home

Who is in the coheed cambria video welcome home?

Basically I do not know but it starts with the band totally rocking out and then The Writer appears outside his girlfriend's house as he sees her cheating on him and it basically goes back and forth. But again I do not know the actors.

What is the song that is used for the 2008 opening video of the Milwaukee Brewers on the scoreboard?

Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria I still need the songs for when they take on the field...after "bring em out", and the classical song that is played for the montage (one where billy hall fist pumps the 3rd base coach) can someone email them to me at

What is the name of the music video in which a guy who looks like the lead singer of system of a down but fatter is boarding up the doors and windows in a cabin The video looks like a zombie movie?

It is called Blood Red Summer by Coheed and Cambria.

What song had a music video where the band is singing from a cabin in the woods being attacked by zombies?

song from the late 90's early 2000's ?and are there a few scenes where the guy is shooting zombies with a bow and arrow >?and are they 28 days later style zombies ?if so im looking for the same name and cannot find it.*I BELIEVE YOU TWO ARE THINKING OF BLOOD RED SUMMER BY COHEED AND CAMBRIA

Where was the music video welcome home by metallica at?

Actually "Welcome Home(Sanitarium)" by Metallica has not a music-video.

Who played the dentist and the nurse in Freds music video Don't forget to brush?

i just found it.the dentist is actor Cameron van cleave and the nurse is julienne irons. your welcome!;)~

Actor from whiskey lullaby video?

the actor is Rick Schroder

Who is the actor in the Stay video by Florida Georgia Line?

Actor from Dallas

When was video technology invented?

1892, your welcome!

How do you say 'welcome' in Norwegian?

In Norwegian, the word "welcome" is velkommen.An example sentence is "Velkommen til Norge". Which means "welcome to Norway".Related Video 1:Related Video 2: