Harold Pincus, born to a Jewish father and Irish American mother.
Barry Manilow's name was changed to Manilow at the time of his Bar Mitzvah, adopting his mother's maiden name.
Barry manilow
Barry Manilow
no Barry Manilow is better
Barry Manilow does not perform privately.
Barry Manilow was not born in England and is unelligible for a knighthood.
Barry MANILOW has written: 'Barry Manilow'
Barry manilow
Barry Manilow
Barry Manilow is 68.
no Barry Manilow is better
Barry Manilow does not perform privately.
Barry Manilow is thought to be of Jewish decent.
Barry Manilow's birth name is Pincus, Barry Alan.
Barry Manilow was born on June 17, 1943.
Yes. You can read his biography at the official Barry Manilow website.
Barry Manilow was not born in England and is unelligible for a knighthood.
Barry Manilow does have heart trouble. Reportedly a heart murmur.