Taylor Swift does the voice of the character named Audrey.
Valentines Day with Taylor Lautner
let it grow
no Taylor Swift does not play the bass
No she didn't. However, she was in The Lorax.
Taylor swift plays Audrey in the movie The Lorax.
Taylor Swift does the voice of the character named Audrey.
Valentines Day with Taylor Lautner
Audrey was voiced by Taylor Swift in the 2012 film "The Lorax."
Taylor Swift got the lead in the movie the Lorax.. She played young Mary...
The lorax
Zach efron Taylor swift and Betty White
let it grow
taylor swift and zack efron voice in dr. seuss the lorax
Yes, Taylor Swift was a voice actor in the animated film "The Lorax." She voiced the character of Audrey in the movie, which was released in 2012.