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The people of the Hebrew faiyh celebrate the sabbath on Saturday , Muslims on Friday and Christians on Sunday. It is an awesome thing in Jerusalem to see differant store owners closed on their sabbath.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes. Shabbat is the 7th day, when God finished his work of creation and rested.

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Q: Who celebrates a Saturday Sabbath?
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When did the Sabbath take place?

In Judaism, the Sabbath is on Saturday (Friday sundown until Saturday after twilight).

Is the sabbath really on a Saturday?

The Sabbath is on a Saturday for those whose religious traditions say so. Other religious traditions place the Sabbath on Sunday or on Friday. If you are part of one of those traditions, then the Sabbath is not on a Saturday. For Jews, the Sabbath is observed from Sundown on Friday until the appearance of 3 stars on Saturday night. For Muslims, the Sabbath is on Friday. For most, but not all, Christians, the Sabbath is on Sunday.

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What is Saturday in Judaism?

Saturday is the sabbath, or more precisely, the Jewish sabbath runs from sundown Friday evening to nightfall Saturday evening, including the twilight period both Friday and Saturday evenings.

What day is the Jews sabbath on?

Saturday x :)

What day does Jews consider it to be the sabbath?


Why was chenged Sabat in Sunday?

The sabbath was changed to Sunday instead of Saturday, Due to saturday actually being the sabbath and Sunday is the first offical day of the week. You are to rest on the sabbath, So the churches made it where you gathered on Sunday instead of the sabbath itself.

What is the Jewish sabatt?

Saturday is the Sabbath and the Jewish day of rest, no work is allowed to be done on the Sabbath.

Did Russian Jews have their sabbath on Friday Saturday or Sunday?

Jews all over the world, including Russia, observe the Sabbath from Friday sundown to Saturday night.

How many denominations hold Saturday as the Holy Sabbath of the Bible?

Seventh day Adventists are the most prominent Saturday Sabbath keepers(its even in the name of the church).

Who changed Sabbath to Sunday?

The Jewish sabbath is on Saturday. Jesus Christ came back to life on a Sunday. This is why the Christian sabbath is on Sunday.

Which is the sabbath Day of God?

It should actually be Saturday and not Sunday. Saturday is the Sabbath for Jews and some Christians, but Catholics and most major Protestant sects observe Sunday as the Sabbath, but Catholics may attend Saturday evening Mass , as the Jews observe from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, Catholics now may attend Mass from Saturday thru Sunday.