Thomas Edison....Duhhh
Stephen foster
Many, but I know Taylor Swift hasnt sooo..... Taylor Swift
art garfunkel James Taylor johnny cash bob Dylan
If you meant 'Does Taylor Swift have a kid', then no. Taylor Swift has never been married and has no children.
Thomas Edison....Duhhh
Stephen Foster
Stephen foster
Dylan thomas was a alcoholic
Dylan Taylor was born on 1981-07-09.
Dylan Taylor Davis is 6' 2".
Luke Dylan Taylor is 6' 2".
Dylan is named after the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas was born on October 27, 1914.
Dylan Thomas was born on October 27, 1914.
The cast of A Dylan Thomas Memoir - 1973 includes: Caitlin Thomas as herself Aeronwy Thomas as herself Dylan Thomas as Reader
He's named after a poet named Dylan Thomas apparently