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Marky is consider to be the Ramones true drummer although not the original drummer(Tommy Ramone) Marky Ramone was in the band longer then any other Drummer in The Ramones(Ritchie Ramone, Elvis Ramone) he was in the band from 1978 till he was kicked out after the album subterranean jungle(Heavy Drinking problem) then brought back after Ritchie quit after halfway sanity.

C.J Ramone was the replacement to Dee Dee Ramone after he departed from the band in 1989 to pursue a rap career as Dee Dee King C.J Ramone was consider to be a breath of fresh air into the band after they what they had to go through with Dee Dee (Heroin addict mental disorders) he played with the band till they retired in 1996

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When did Tommy ramone die?

Tommy ramone is still alive as well as marky, Richie and CJ

What is Marky Ramone's birthday?

Marky Ramone was born on July 15, 1956.

Is Marky Ramone gay In the Ramones song R.A.M.O.N.E.S. one of the lyrics is Mark takes it in the .?

Marky Ramone is not gay but that is the lyric in the version sung by CJ. On the version sung by Joey it's "Go Marky, kick some ass" and is also this in the original version by Motorhead.

When was Marky Ramone born?

Marky Ramone was born on July 15, 1956.

Is marky and cj drummers for the Ramones?

Marky was, but CJ was a bassist.

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The Ramones broke up as a band in 1996, but Marky, Cj, tommy, and Richie still play in other bands.

Which Ramones members are in the acid eaters album?

Joey Ramone; Johnny Ramone; C. J. Ramone; Marky Ramone

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What are all the names of The Ramones?

Dee Dee Ramone Johnny Ramone Joey Ramone Tommy Ramone Marky Ramone Richie Ramone Elvis Ramone (Clem Burke) C. J. Ramone

Is CJ Gunn of Marky Ramone and subtones fame Clevelands best guitarist?

Personally i think so, not only did he front local Cleveland legends "the subtones" but he anchored a few Marky Ramone and friends tours. Not to mention his new band the dead enders blows every othe Cleveland band out of the water, even amps II eleven.

How tall is Marky Ramone?

5' 5" 5' 5"

Are The Ramones alive?

Of the original four 'bruvvers', the only one still living is drummer Tommy (thomas Erdelyi).Yes, sadly Joey, Johnny, and Dee Dee died, but Marky and CJ are still kickingAs are Richie Ramone (Richard Reinhardt) and Elvis Ramone (Clem Burke)There were eight Ramones in total. Although Elvis (Clem) only played two concerts.