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Official story!hahah !

I was a student of Jon's or a year while he was recording Dream Theater "images and words". I brought in a jazz 3 picks one day .He loved them /changed over and used it on that recording.. He was insanely fast before he changed over.. so the picks were more just one thing that complimented his overall technique and practice habits!

During my lesson we were discussing the theory of stylus picks which is a practice pick and how it makes you pick closer to the string which led to a conversation on picking dexterity and leaving him a jazz 3 Jim dunlop.

My previous teacher Dean from Music Mart in Lynrook introduced me to jazz 3 picks after having studied at Berklee. The theory Dean told me was that by holding the pick closer to the point creates accuracy and speed. The jazz 3 is very pointy and you makes you grip towards the point giving you slightly more control when picking fast.

Jon anchors his pinky somewhat by the humbucker alot which gives him stability when picking. He disclosed that when developing his technique he watches the distance that he picks away from the string . The theory is the closer your pick is to the string the faster you can play. One has to be concious of how far the pick moves each time you pluck which makes it a into a good conditioned technique. He practiced with a metronome religiously like 5-10 hours a day but more imporantatly was very concentrated in practicing even picking. He use to tell me to start of extremely almost painfully slow with the metronome. Then gradually put them metronome up ....making sure its clean....not the other way around.

He also had a bunch of exercises that he loves doing which are basically the same as the ones on his instructional DVD.

Also for the left hand he would always correct me for pulling my fingers to far off the strings. During my lesson he use to tap my hand like a karate guru(ofcourse lightly) and make me concious of my hand position.The theory again was the father they came up off the fretboard the longer it takes to come back down.

I have been working on new picking techniques that accent my playing in a different way when I found this question. I hope the answer was helpful.

Jons last inspirational word to me before heading out on the Images and words tour was :

"Grow your hair and practice your scales!"

Hope this helps!

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Dunlop Tortex.

From fan who have seen them or caught them it's been reported he uses .73mm(yellow) or sometimes .60mm(orange).

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Dunlop Tortex Picks

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