Well Rottweiler are like strong but shepherd are more strong I would say . My German is so strong that when he see another dog he will pull me or my boyfriend off the ground almost
The Doberman is a better sprinter and long distance runner compared to German Shepherd. And the Doberman is stronger as doberman 5th strongest dog in the world and German shpherd 6th! gsd top speed is 40 mph but a doberman is 45mph and the doberman is stronger than the German shepherd meaning that the doberman is faster German shepherd because legs are stronger Dobermann has stronger legs
German Shepherds are very active so you will need to let them walk everyday as a form of their exercise. This breed needs enough exercise and healthy food to be bigger and stronger.
a doberman has a stronger bite and abit stronger but a German shepherd looks stronger but most of it's fur a doberman is way better because the doberman is faster a better jumper stronger and better guard dog but the only thing a German shepherd is better at is intelligence WRONG! A German shepherd is proven to be stronger and smarter... I guess it depends on the dog, not the breed, but in general, a German shepherd is more powerful with more muscel and stronger jaws (Google it if you don't' believe me) Plus German shepherd are third smartest dogs and Dobermans are way behind. German sheps have much more skill and knowledge. German shepherd have better agility too, being 75% percent of all police dogs German shepherds.
No orangutans have longer and stronger arms and allow them to swing
Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You), the second single from herfifth studio album titled Stronger, is about how just because someone left her, doesn't mean it's going to kill her. It will just make her stronger and that she can survive without him.
The bull mastiff.
Depending on the hip scale legs.
depends what dog u have the following lists the type of dog what will do best....... lab,german,sheperd,rottwiller will have to have big bites
sometimes does and doesn't
in a word yes German Shepard much stronger than a pitbul
German Shepherd's are a lot stronger than a red heeler.
Whether or not a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd can stay in a kennel together depends on each dog. If they are both easy going and neither one tries to be dominant, there should not be a problem.
GSD hands down.
German Shepherds are strong and much stronger the children and are stronger then woman and if you have muscular man they can be quite strong. These Dogs Are Big , Strong And Muscular.
Yes. A lion is way more stronger and bigger than a german shepherd.
German Shepherd. Great Danes are just bigger.