The piano is an instrument that has keys, pedals and strings. The keys are strings vibrate when they are struck by hammers being triggered when the keys are pressed. The pedals are used to manipulate the sound in various ways.
a harp
the piano or a pedal harp or concert harp
A piano has strings, pedals and keys. The keys are the black and white rectangles at the front of the piano. The pedals are found where the player's feet rest when sat on a stool. They are at the bottom of the piano, and usually in the middle of the piano. There are usually three pedals. The strings are hidden by the top of the piano, but as each key is hit, it connects with the string to make the note. It could also possibly be the harp. The traditional harp (lever harp) has about 30-35 strings. When needing to add flats or sharps to the key signature you flip a little lever that goes with that note. But it can only have three flats and two sharps so they came out with the pedal harp. Which has about 45-50 strings and has a pedal for each note(A, B, C, D, E, F, G). If you push the pedal, it will either make it sharp, flat, or natural.
You strike the keys to make the hammer hit the strings instead of hitting the strings directly, like you do with a guitar.
Pedal Harp
a harp
the piano or a pedal harp or concert harp
A piano has strings, pedals and keys. The keys are the black and white rectangles at the front of the piano. The pedals are found where the player's feet rest when sat on a stool. They are at the bottom of the piano, and usually in the middle of the piano. There are usually three pedals. The strings are hidden by the top of the piano, but as each key is hit, it connects with the string to make the note. It could also possibly be the harp. The traditional harp (lever harp) has about 30-35 strings. When needing to add flats or sharps to the key signature you flip a little lever that goes with that note. But it can only have three flats and two sharps so they came out with the pedal harp. Which has about 45-50 strings and has a pedal for each note(A, B, C, D, E, F, G). If you push the pedal, it will either make it sharp, flat, or natural.
You strike the keys to make the hammer hit the strings instead of hitting the strings directly, like you do with a guitar.
Pedal Harp
a piano
A standard pedal harp typically has 47 strings. These strings are manipulated using pedals to change their pitch, allowing the harpist to play a wide range of musical notes and keys. Watch this video to answer all of your questions Just put youtube.c0m /shorts/tjFDicSVBd4?si=pVNL_UxjxRXOD9yp
There are around forty-six (46) strings on the harp, depending on what type it is and seven (7) pedals.
There are many different sizes and styles of harp. Typically the larger ones, like in a symphony orchestra, do have pedals while smaller ones do not. The pedals facilitate a wider range of notes than what you could get without them.
A harp.
It is a musical instrument - similar in appearance to a piano. The keys are usually coloured opposite to a piano (white keys black, and black keys coloured black). The strings are 'plucked' in a harpsichord by tiny 'teeth' - instead of being struck by felt hammers as they are in a piano. This gives the instrument its distinctive sound.