the engine oil and trans oil is all in one!
How do I add Transmission Fluid in my 2003 Honda rancher es 350 4x4
A Rancher ES Should have a lever in the storage compartment to manually shift gears with.
It is a 420cc motor. Such as a Honda Fourtrax "400" is a 400cc.
The shifting sensor on a Honda Rancher 420 is located on the lower, back side of the motor, to the left of the reverse switch. You must remove the skid plate to access it.
Put two moth balls inside a FULL tank of gas. Also helps to clean out carb and injectors.
were is the oil fiter located at on a 2003 Honda rancher es.
bike is not shifting
Low battery.
A Rancher ES Should have a lever in the storage compartment to manually shift gears with.
It is a 420cc motor. Such as a Honda Fourtrax "400" is a 400cc.
The shifting sensor on a Honda Rancher 420 is located on the lower, back side of the motor, to the left of the reverse switch. You must remove the skid plate to access it.
Take it to your local bike shop
there is no such thing as a 350EX quad and the 350 rancher is a 4x4. The 300ex or 400ex quads are racing bikes....2wd
It is very easy to check the transmission fluid level in a 1995 Dodge Avenger ES. You will need to park the car on level ground and keep it running while checking the fluid level. The dipstick is located where you put the transmission fluid.
The fluid is added down the dipstick tube.
I have a Honda 350 S and the oil filter is on the right side above the Dipstick.