From chickens, the same way chickens are born.
A rooster comes from a hens egg. When a hen goes broody she will set on as many as 10/12 eggs for 21 days. of those eggs,usually about half of them will become hens and the other half roosters. This varies by up to 20% either way.
Roosters can not crow if they can't fully extend their necks.
roosters crow to reestablish their territory
The real question is: Who trains roosters to crow at sunrise?
We have the same problem. We have tw roosters and 28 hens. They are the White Leghorns. Generally the roosters take turns crowing. Lately the flock has been looks like snow in our coop. The roosters are not crowing. I have looked for an answer as you have. Interesting we both have the same problem. It looks like molting may have something to do with them not crowing.
The Roosters
conservation sentence
chicks could come from both roosters as the hen stores sperm and releases it drop by drop as each egg is ready for fertilisation
No, roosters tend to not like having other roosters around
Roosters (cocks) come in a variety of colours depending on their breed. Some may be all white with the typical red comb, while others can be a flurry of colours ranging from blacks, greens, golds and browns.
No, roosters are boy chickens
roosters do not have babies
Roosters are birds.
We usually call them 'roosters'.
The duration of Roosters is 1.83 hours.
Yes, roosters have a spine. They are vertebrates.
The phobia for roosters and chickens is called alektorophobia.
Menai Roosters was created in 1981.