Well you have lots of options there are 3-4 well respected surgeons in your area. To research the topic and possibly help you choose which doctor to go for have a look at the "Vasectomy Reversal Help' link below.
Where to go to get tubal ligation reversed in south africa
I have Medicare and Medicaid can I get a tubal reversal with them.
does kaiser cover a tubal reversal
There are a lot of health insurance that do not cover tubal reversal because it is an elective procedure, however it looks like Cigna does cover tubal reversal.
Tubal reversal are NOT covered by Alberta health care.
How r u
Where to go to get tubal ligation reversed in south africa
I have Medicare and Medicaid can I get a tubal reversal with them.
does kaiser cover a tubal reversal
Does bcbs cover tubal reversal
any government hospital do the tube reversal
There are a lot of health insurance that do not cover tubal reversal because it is an elective procedure, however it looks like Cigna does cover tubal reversal.
Tubal reversal are NOT covered by Alberta health care.
Does scott anf white health pkan cover for a tubal reversal if I was forsed to have the tubal done
Tubal reversal success depends on two main factors: type or tubal ligation and the age of the woman at the time of tubal reversal surgery. The tubal reversal success rate can be as high as 80% for women who are under the age of 30 and also for women who have had tubal clip or tubal ring type tubal ligations. The tubal reversal success can also be as high as 30-50% for women over the age of 40 or those who have had unknown types of tubal ligations. Even among women over the age of 40 or women with unknown types of tubal ligations approximately 1 out of 3 women will become pregnant.
Tubal reversal after tubal ligation does not have a high success rate. The most common way of modern tubal ligation is to burn the ends of the tube and it is not very successful with reversal.
The cost is about $5400-$6900 at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center located in Chapel Hill North Carolina. Having clips is one of the best procedures to have reversed. Normally the patient is left with longer tubes and there are patients that report pregnancy weekly.