They are found near the back of the orchestra near the double basses. the trumpets in an orchestra sit in the very back row smack dab in the middle with the french horns to their right and the trombones to their left.
Trumpets are in Brass Section of an Orchestra.
There are no trumpets in Urinetown: trombone and euphonium (1 player) only.
Usually trumpet in C or B-flat, with at least two parts.
Either solo or any type of band or any type of orchestra
Trumpets are in Brass Section of an Orchestra.
there is four modern trumpets
In an average symphony orchestra, the trumpets are part of the entire brass section, which is located in the very back rows of the orchestra. Hope that helps!
There are about three to four trumpet players in an orchestra.
Yes, trumpets are still a standard instrument in an orchestra or band.
There are no trumpets in Urinetown: trombone and euphonium (1 player) only.
Trumpets are in orchestras because they add a tone and quality for many interments don't have, and other brass can not play notes as high. It rounds out the rest of the orchestra. Why not?!
usually near the trumpets and alto saxaphones
Trumpets, french horns, trombones, and tubas.
Perhaps - symphony, orchestra, band, quartet or trumpets etc.