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Just make sure you go to court on the day your payment is due and ask for an extension. If you get the extension you can pay later, but if you are not granted an extension they will suspended your license.

Now if you say screw it and dont go to court and dont pay the fine, the judge will send out a warrant for your arrest for failure to comply with the courts ruling. (contempt)

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Q: When your probation runs out and you failed to pay your court fine can you go to prison in the state of Indiana?
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Can they still give you jail time if your probation is over?

What do you mean by over? If the Court has discharged you from probation then no. The Court cannot give you jail time on your probation charge after you have been discharged from probation. If, for example, you were granted a two year term of probation that was due to expire on 02/01/10 but failed to report and a warrant was issued in 2009 then you are not off the hook. The Court can suspend your probation if you violate the terms. Once it is ordered suspended then the Court retains jurisdiction until you are either relieved from probation supervision, continued on probation with a time extension, or revoked and sentenced to jail or prison.

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If someone has their probation is suspended that means the Court has stopped the defendant's probation time and they are no longer in good standing with the Court. This happens because of a probation violation. It does NOT automatically mean the defendant will go to prison.

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This question makes no sense. Parole begins once released from prison and there is time remaining on the sentence. Probation starts when the Court sentences you to probation.

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That person that was on probation has been granted early termination (got off of probation early). Now if it said probation revoked then that means that the person violated probation and has been sent back to jail or prison

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Could my friend be go to prison for that.or get probation.

What is a sentence for probation?

If the question is about court sentences in criminal law, probation is a period of non-incarceration that either follows or takes the place of a jail or prison sentence. Probation, like parole, comes with stipulations and restrictions as a result of a guilty verdict or its equivalent.

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After. A person is not on probation until they are sentenced to probation by the Court. Why would they get a probation officer until they are sentenced?

If you move out of town and you're on felony probation what happens?

If you have restrictions on your probation that restrict your residence area (which you probably do), you will be in violation of your court ordered sentence and may well be remanded to jail or prison for the remainder of your sentence.

If your release date has passed and you violated during but your visits to probation were over can you be violated?

If you failed to perform, or adhere to, ALL the provisions of your sentence of probation then you are NOT eligible for release and have NOT been released until you can prove to the court that you have done so.

What states have both probation and parole?

All states have both. Probation is a term of supervision in the community that is sentenced by a Court. Parole is a term of supervision in the community following release from prison, usually for the remainder of a person's original sentence.

How do you file for a prison sentence modification in Indiana?

In Indiana, a prisoner can request a sentence modification through a petition to the court that sentenced them. They should outline the reasons for the modification request, such as new evidence or changes in circumstances. It is advisable to consult with an attorney to guide you through the process.

What is felony probation?

Felony probation is a sentence the judge imposes when someone pleads guilty to a felony. It allows a person to serve his sentence without going to jail or to prison. The person will be under court supervision and he can be incarcerated if he violates the terms of his probation.