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The poem the night of the scorpio was written in the early eighties which mainly deals with the feeling and minds of a tippical indian moter.

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Q: When was the poem night of the scorpion published?
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Character sketch of mother in the poem night of the scorpion?

the mother in this poem shows the epitome of selfless love.the atitude of a typical Indian mother has been shown in this poem

Question answer for night of the scorpion?

The Night of the Scorpion is basically a poem that is full of confusion and tension. In this poem, Nissim Ezekiel, the poet, tells about the time his mother was bitten by a scorpion. Ten hours of continuous rain had made the scorpion seek shelter under a sack of rice. The scorpion stung the mother, and he went out in the rain again. The peasants came to help the mother, and like typical villagers, they were superstitious, and they chanted the name of God. From the point of view of the child, it seemed that the peasants were like swarms of flies, and he could see scorpion shadows everywhere (the child was frightened and so obviously the memory of the scorpion haunts him). They prayed that the mother's sins of the previous birth be burned away, that her sufferings may decrease in the next birth. They prayed that the sum of evil may balance against the sum of good become diminished because of the pain she suffers. The poison would purify her flesh of desire and her spirit of ambition. They sat around while the mother groaned and twisted on the mat in pain. The child's father, who was not a superstitious person and thought logically, tried every curse and blessing, herbs and hybrids to cure his wife. The desperation and intensity of the situation changed the father to a rather superstitious person (he tried curses and blessings). He poured a bit of paraffin and set the bitten toe alight. The holy man performed his rites and tried to tame the poison with an incantation. After twenty hours it lost its sting. The mother, after all she has gone through, only thanks God that the scorpion bit her and not her children. The last three lines of the poem expresses the selfless love of a mother for her children

The night of scorpion how long was it rainnig?

ten hours of steady rain

How do you make a scorpion fight another scorpion?

I don't know but I hope it's against the law!

What is the scorpion by William Plomer about?

The poem is about the drought in Africa. Plomer speaks of the flooding he experienced in the past in which people died by drowning. The irony is that at the present time in the poem people are dieing of dehydration. He alludes to the fact that heat has become a symbol of Africa. The scorpion itself symbolises death.

Related questions

How did the holy man try to tame the poison in night of scorpion poem?

The holy man used traditional remedies and chants to neutralize the poison in the night of scorpion poem. He performed rituals and incantations to help alleviate the pain and suffering of the scorpion's victim.

What is the meaning of on the mud-baked walls they searched for himhe was not found by Nissim Ezekiels Night of the Scorpion.?

This line from Nissim Ezekiel's poem "Night of the Scorpion" describes the frantic search for the scorpion on the mud-baked walls, highlighting the tension and urgency of the situation. Despite their efforts, the scorpion was not found, creating a sense of mystery and anticipation in the poem.

What aspects of culture the poem discusses the night of the scorpion?

the culture is that its a crap poem just rip your anthology up now :) !

Character sketch of mother in the poem night of the scorpion?

the mother in this poem shows the epitome of selfless love.the atitude of a typical Indian mother has been shown in this poem

How does the father and villagers help in curing the mother In the poem night of scorpion?

In the poem "Night of the Scorpion," the father and villagers use traditional remedies and superstitions to try to cure the mother. They employ chanting, prayers, and folk remedies to ward off the effects of the scorpion's sting in the hope of curing her. Despite their efforts, the poem suggests that the power of their collective belief and rituals may provide some comfort, even if the physical healing is limited.

When THE POEM last night i dreamed of chickens by jack prelutsky published?

The poem "Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens" by Jack Prelutsky was published in his poetry collection titled "New Kid on the Block" in 1984. It is a playful and imaginative poem that explores the theme of dreams and creativity.

What is the character sketch of the father in the poem the night of the scorpion?

The father in the poem "The Night of the Scorpion" by Nissim Ezekiel is portrayed as a strong and stoic figure who remains calm and steadfast in the face of adversity. He is depicted as selfless and caring, willing to endure any hardship to protect and save his family. His actions reflect his deep love and commitment to his family, making him a heroic and admirable figure in the poem.

The poem The Night Before Christmas was first wrote in what year?

The poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (commonly known as "The Night Before Christmas") was first published anonymously in 1823. It is attributed to Clement Clarke Moore, although there is debate over the true authorship.

How does Ezekiel describe sin in The Night of the Scorpion?

The superstitious villagers in Nissim Ezekiel's poem The Night Of The Scorpion exclaim that the sins of the flesh and soul of the stung woman in her present and past lives would be burned away in the intense pain that she suffered. Perhaps they were not superstitious. Pain cleanses mind.

Is the title night of the scorpion appropriate?

Yes, the title "Night of the Scorpion" is appropriate as it creates a sense of mystery and danger, which may be reflected in the content of the work it represents. It hints at a specific event or encounter that could be significant within the story.

When was Do not go gentle into that good night created?

"Do not go gentle into that good night" is a poem by Dylan Thomas that was written in 1947 and published in 1951. It is known for its powerful and passionate plea for resistance against death.

When was Thomas Hardy's poem The man he killed published?

this poem was published in 1902