He is currently 32 years old. He was born on September 30th. :)
May 30th 2007
Ray Charles
its on may 30th.
Jazmyn was born may 30th in 2008 Jaxon was born november 20th in 2009
T. I. was born on September 25, 1980.
30th September 1981
September 30th 1893
the baby was born april 6 around what time was it conceived
9 months pevious
22 years old.
About 7.
Mid-January, assuming a normal term.
that makes no sense
Ian was born 30th November 1987 Anthony was born 16th September 1987
He is currently 32 years old. He was born on September 30th. :)
He was born September 19th 1945. unless your thinking of the athlete that was October 30th 1957.