Born in 1685, Bach was known mainly for his keyboarding skills in playing the organ. In August 1703, he accepted the position as the organist at a church (chapel of Duke Johann Ernst in Weimar), which had a new organ tuned to a modern system that allowed a wide range of keys to be used. About this time, he began composing organ preludes. He was especially improvising preludes where a single, short music idea is explored throughout a movement.
did u know bach started to write music when he was only 4!
From what can be found, he most likely started to play music at around age 10. After his parents died around 1694, Bach, being an orphan moved in with his oldest brother, J.C. Bach, who was an organist in Ohrdruf. It was while in his brothers house that he studied and performed music. His brother taught him how to play the Clavichord.
He composed music.
Just that ... Johann Sebastian Bach.
The composer was Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750).
Johann Sebastian Bach is 5' 11".
The music is Two-part invention, Johann Sebastian Bach.
In the church
He composed music.
Johann Sebastian Bach
Just that ... Johann Sebastian Bach.
he ussed them
He composed Baroque music!
The composer was Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750).
Johann Sebastian Bach is 5' 11".
Brandenburg concertos .
Because he made a lot of music...