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Black lung from working in a coal mine

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Q: What year did loretta lynn's father die?
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How did loretta Lynns husband die?

Diabetes at age 69

How did loretta Lynns son die?

drowned in the creek on the ranch in hurricane mills tn

Where did loretta lynns husband die?

Not sure but I heard he passed away in a hospital located in Springfield, MO. Can anyone confirm that?

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Loretta McNeil died in 1988.

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Loretta High died on August 31, 2003.

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Loretta Francel died in March 1980, in Lebanon, Oregan, USA.

When did Loretta King Hadler die?

Loretta King Hadler died on 2007-09-10.

When did Loretta Perfectus Walsh die?

Loretta Perfectus Walsh died on 1925-08-06.