

Best Answer

Remember: only A, B, C, D, E, F, G may be used!

1-Letter words


2- Letter Words



Fa (as in Do, Re, Me, Fa...)

3-Letter Words

Abe Ace Add Ade Age

Bad Bag Bed Bee Beg

Cab Cad

Dab Dad

Ebb Egg

Fad Fed Fee

Gab Gag

4-Letter Words


Bade Bead Beef

Cafe Cage Cede

Deaf Deed Dead

Edge Egad

Face Fade Feed


5-Letter Words



Caged Ceded

Dabbed Decaf

Ebbed Egged Edged

Faced Faded


6-Letter Words

Badged Bagged Beaded Bedded Beefed Begged

Dabbed Deface


Gabbed Gaffed Gagged

7-Letter Words





8-Letter words

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4y ago

face, dead, dad, egg, add, ad, café, cage,

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Q: What words can you make from musical notes?
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Related questions

What are musical notes a part of?

Musical notes are apart of a MEASURE.

Why did they play the clarinet?

because a clarinet is a musical instrument thhat is used to make music on musical notes that they are made with

What do musical notes mean?

notes of music

What musical notes are these Db?

Db are decibels. They are measurement of sound pressure not frequency. They are not musical notes, but their intensity. Musical notes can be measured in decibels. That just tells you how loud they are.

How long are the longest words that can be made from the notes of a musical instrument?

The longest words that you can play, or "spell", using an musical instrument are eight letters long.There are only two, eight letter words which can be spelt on a musical instrument, using its notes.The first is cabbaged. The second is fabaceae.

How musical notes has an octave?

Eight notes in an octave.

How can one learn musical notes?

You can learn musical notes by being taught by an experienced musician who can accurately decifer between notes then they can teach them how to play specific notes.

What words can you make from the musical staff?


What is the homophone for note?

A note represents a musical tone or a written message. In other words, there are notes that convey musical information, and there are notes that convey written information. The word note has more than one definition, but it is not a homophone. Actually, homophones are words that sound alike but are defined and spelled differently. For example, the words "their" and "there" are homophones.

What is the translation of musical terminology?

What do you mean? Do you want to know what a particular word means? Or do you want to know how to translate the words "musical terminology" into a particular foreign language? Please reword your question to make it clearer what you are asking.

Notes are written from right to left in a musical notes?

NO! Left to Right

How do wind and stringed instroments make musical notes?

All instruments make music by causing the air to vibrate at different frequencies.