To educate an illiterate population the word of god.
A melisma is when there are several notes put into one syllable. Think every song Christina Aguilera has ever sang for an example or Whitney Houston in 'I Will Always Love You' in the word 'you'.
beautiful, courage
Plainchant or Gregorian chant are synonymous terms for liturgical chant in music.
To educate an illiterate population the word of god.
The word that contains all the vowels is "euouae." It is a musical term used in medieval music, specifically in Gregorian chant notation.
The word that best describes me is special.
The word that best describes what happens in a book is plot.
a word that best describes muhammad is intellegent unlike some blondes
Energy best describes work.
What word best describes the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890
Small best describes a worm hole.
Suddenly everyone began to CHANT my name...
The word "inactive" best describes someone who is inert. It implies a lack of movement or activity.