what were the lyrics strother martin sang in butch cassity and sun dance kid
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The Beatles
Seals and Crofts sang "Summer Breeze" which has the lyrics:"...Blowing through the jasmine in my mind"
The Highwaymen sang the song 'Songs That Make A Difference.' One can also find accurate lyrics of this song on metrolyrics as they are famous for their lyrics.
Strother Martin's birth name is Strother Douglas Martin Jr..
Strother Martin was born on March 26, 1919.
Strother Martin was born on March 26, 1919.
Strother Martin was born on March 26, 1919 and died on August 1, 1980. Strother Martin would have been 61 years old at the time of death or 96 years old today.
Barney Martin died on March 21, 2005 at the age of 82.
Malibu Lake side
Burt Bacharach had a song in Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid called Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head it was the only song sung in the film except for that weird Bababa singing when they were in Bolivia. I'm also pretty sure Strother Martin didn't sing the song. Actually, there's a sequence in which Strother Martin hires Butch and Sundance to be his bodyguards as he transports the payroll back to the mines. Strother does in fact sing "Sweet Betsy From Pike" punctuated by spitting tobacco.....until.....alas he gets shot dead.
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Saturday Night Live - 1975 Strother Martin The Specials 5-17 was released on: USA: 19 April 1980
Beyond my answer..which is a big fat NO....I must wonder if this questions originator had help making it to this website without losing conscienceness.