Selena's #1 known song is "Dreaming of You" which is from the album with the same name. It's the most famous one mainly because it was the one she finished right before her death and was released 3 months after her death
favorite flowers white roses , favorite chips Doritos
favorite food Pizza , favorite drink Coke
Dream Of You
i dont now
Selena's favorite color was purple and black.
No. Actually, Selena's songs didn't have any featured artists
Selenas Favorite food was Pizza Hut Pizza ,but her favorite restaurant was Olive garden
Dream Of You
i dont now
Selena's favorite color was purple and black.
No. Actually, Selena's songs didn't have any featured artists
Selenas Favorite food was Pizza Hut Pizza ,but her favorite restaurant was Olive garden
at mc donalods
Selena Gomez's favorite song is Falling DownFalling Down was her favorite song she wrote
Corpus Christi,TX
she got all the way to college.
Selena A.B- Selena's brother Suzette- Selena's sister So three in all.
yes Selena's mom was with her in her childhood. both her mom and dad were their with her.
who says is selena gomez's favourite song