Surely water lilies which he painted for 30 years.
Well, we can't surely determine what was the favorite flower of Claude Monet since there is no any document that verify such fact. But among his numerous subjects are water lilies and sunflowers.
Emma Bardac was Claude Debussy's wife.
Actually, Claude is his middle name. His full name was Achille-Claude Debussy.
Her favorite color is green, and her favorite TYPE of food is West Indian food and Thai food.
his favorite food was steak but now it is pizza
Drake's favorite food is Chinese food and Mexican food
Emma Bardac was Claude Debussy's wife.
Actually, Claude is his middle name. His full name was Achille-Claude Debussy.
It is not known what Claude McKay's favorite food is. Claude McKay is most known as being a poet who wrote, If We Must Die.
lilly pads with his art
He has not told us.
what obama's favorite food? what obama's favorite food? what obama's favorite food? what obama's favorite food?
His favorite medium was oil paint.
Her favorite color is green, and her favorite TYPE of food is West Indian food and Thai food.
Warios favorite food is garlic.
Harry's favorite food is tacos