There are many places online where one can find the lyrics to "Long Train Running" by The Doobie Brothers. One can find the lyrics to the song "Long Train Running" at popular on the web sources such as A To Z Lyrics and Metro Lyrics.
Patrick Monohan
Hum - Stars
Mr. Love and the Stallions title: fill me up
Long Train Running by the Doobie Brothers.
There are many places online where one can find the lyrics to "Long Train Running" by The Doobie Brothers. One can find the lyrics to the song "Long Train Running" at popular on the web sources such as A To Z Lyrics and Metro Lyrics.
Patrick Monohan
You are referring to Train's "Hey, Soul Sister."
Go to google and ask for lyrics and there you go
"Last Train Home" was the second single from the "Start Something" album by the Welsh rock band Lost Prophets. Lyrics for this song can be found online at sites such as AZ Lyrics, Metro Lyrics, Lyrics 007 and MP3Lyrics, among others.
"Orange Blossom Special" - the whole song sounds like a train.
A train can make both short sounds, like a whistle or horn, as well as long sounds, like the rumble of the train rolling along the tracks.
Besides mechanical sounds there are : horns, whistles, and bells.
AZLyrics and Metro Lyrics both have the lyrics for "Drive By". Those sites also have the lyrics for many other songs in many different genres of music.
Sounds like a kind of train.
You may be referring to Train Train by Blackfoot.