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Himno Electronico

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Q: What techno song says theirs no ifs no ands or buts?
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The techno song that has the lyrics that say "beware the demon", is by the Kinks. The song's name is Cricket.

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Yes it says I have come so that you can have life ands have it abundently.

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What is the name of the techno song with the wrestler who says you love me you hate me youll never forget me get ready to feel the BANG then the techno beat starts up?

It's ddp. Diamond Dallas page. But not techno music, it's smells like teen spirit by nirvana

What is the best rated battle tank in the world?

Germany says theirs. Britain says theirs. France says theirs. Russia says theirs. US says theirs. Here's the solution, to eliminate the "biased" ones. Which tanks have been blooded on the battlefields and were victorious? The US M1 Abrams. 1. During WWII, that would've been a toss up between the Soviets (Russians) T-34 and US M4 Sherman medium tanks. 2. During the Korean War, the US M46 Patton was the best. 3. During the Vietnam War, the US M48 Patton was the best (the last of the Patton series tanks).

Techno song repeated do do beat then says feel the power?

Electric Feel is the name of the song that says "feel the power" and has a do-do beat. The song is performed by MGMT.

Who play the techno song that says raise your hands up in air?

Could be "Live 2 Dance" for example.