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Bobblehead by Christina Aguilera.

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Skrillex- First of the Year (Equinox)

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Q: What techno song has a girl singing and a beat wawawawawa?
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What is the new techno song with a girl in the chorus singing never be mine?

Innocence by Nero

What is the name of the techno song where there is a girl and a guy lightly singing in the background?

umm im not sure i rarely listen to techno next question please sorry

What singerband is on that g4tv commercial sortof pop techno with a girl singing?

It is not actually a song, I read that G4 payed for someone to do a segment for their commercial.

What song is this There is a techno type song that you have been trying to find for AGES There is a girl singing and she says something then and whistle?

man don't know init

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Lesley-Ann Brandt

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The Cardigans - my favourite game

Whats the name of the band or song where the guy is wearing a suit with tophat and cane or umbrella with a girl dancing in the background. It has a slow techno beat to it. Somthing about Vegas i think?

Blurred Lines

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Stereo Love by Edward Maya and Vika Jigulina

Who are girl techno artists?

Crystal Castles has a female singer, but a male producer.

Whats the name of the techno song the beat sounds kinda African and there a girl singin it sayin agabee or akabee or somehtin like that n it just repeats?

are you talking about Africa Bombata Gasolina? i think that might be it,if not...sorry.

What is the easiest song for a ballet dance?

Well, for man: Rap for Girl: Punk Techno

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