Bout' ta bubble - Tech N9ne
He says it at the very end of the song when a girl calls his phone.
Tech N9ne's most popular song is Worldwide Choppers. Worldwid Choppers was Tech N9ne's highest peaking song on the billboard hot 100. It reached number 104.
the phrase "Sut ma" is tech n9ne's way of spelling the danish phrase "Sut mig" (pronounced the same way) which means "suck me"
The Green Mile
Tech N9ne for sure
t9x by tech n9ne
Tech N9ne's most popular song is Worldwide Choppers. Worldwid Choppers was Tech N9ne's highest peaking song on the billboard hot 100. It reached number 104.
the phrase "Sut ma" is tech n9ne's way of spelling the danish phrase "Sut mig" (pronounced the same way) which means "suck me"
"Fortune Force Field" is a Tech N9ne song that would make a good music video for AS Media Studies.
No. Tech N9ne is a rapper.
The Green Mile
Does tech n9 me have siblings
A good Tech N9ne song you can make into a music video as part of media studies is Everybody Move.
Tech N9ne for sure
t9x by tech n9ne
not a real song
Big Bad Wolf
There is no lead singer. Tech N9ne is one person.