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Safer than chitlins on a city folk's supper plate.

Hotter than a jug full of red ants.

If that don't put a clod in your shoe.

You couldn't burst a bird's egg with a balpene hammer.

This here [stew] will grow hair on your elbows.

[It's] hot enough to fry a horseshoe.

Tighter than the feathers on a prairie chicken's rump.

The onliest thing you get from stradlin' the fence is a sore backside.

I'll get after you like thunder after lightnin'.

How'd you like to be gatherin' eggs and find her in nest?

Fine as frogs hair.

Naked as a plucked prairie chicken.

Bleedin' like a stuck hog.

He ain't got the gumption to pound sand for a rat hole.

I thumped him 'till his ears rang like the liberty bell.

Crookeder than a dog's hind leg.

Hold `yer taters.

[He's] got more friends than a dog's got hairs on his back.

Sit there like a boll weevil on a corn cob.

[He] draws trouble like a summer melon draws flies.

[I] feel better than a barn rooster on a prime hoot.

Quiet as a mouse tip toeing.

Quiet as on cotton on cottontail.

I'll get onto you like ugly on an ape.

Hoppin' around like a flea on a hot skillet.

You look like a sunfish who flopped.

When you learn a thing a day you store up smart.

That don't hurt a particle.

If you don't call, then you don't see the hand.

I made a bigger mess than a sow's bed.

Ain't you startin' to itch before you git bit?

He can't see past the brim of his hat.

Pooch up like an old toad.

Rougher than a wagon load full of cobs.

No more chance than a grass hopper in a hen house.

Flatter than a snake though a ringer.

I loved that boy like a June morning.

Quieter than a gagged gopher.

Sincere as at a $5 funeral

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Q: What sayings that the Festus Hagen character on Gunsmoke use?
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I. Kathleen Hagen was born in 1945.