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.They are not intended or ophthalmic (eye) or otic (ear) use. Application to mucous membranes should be limited to appropriate formulations.Gentian violet is labeled with a warning against use in pregnancy.

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Q: What precautions are associated with topical antifungal drugs?
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What interactions are associated with topical antifungal drugs?

Topical antifungal drugs have no recognized drug-drug or food-drug interactions

What are topical antifungal drugs?

Topical antifungal drugs are medicines applied to the skin to treat skin infections caused by a fungus.

What precautions are associated with systemic antifungal drugs?

.Anyone who takes these drugs should not drive, use machines or do anything else that might be dangerous until they have found out how the drugs affect them.Alcohol should be avoided for at least a day after taking an antifungal drug.

How long is the treatment when using topical antifungal drugs?

Topical antibiotics are meant to be used only on the skin and for only a few days at a time. If the wound has not healed in five days, the patient is advised to stop using the antibiotic and call a doctor.

What are systemic antifungal drugs?

Systemic antifungal drugs are medicines taken by mouth or by injection to treat deep infections caused by a fungus

What precautions are necessary when using topical anesthetics?

Topical anesthetic medications must be selected carefully and used in proper amounts in order to prevent harmful reactions. For instance, some topical drugs should be used only on intact skin to avoid rapid absorption into the body.

What treatment is associated with ABPA?

ABPA is usually treated with prednisone (Meticorten) or other corticosteroids taken by mouth, and with bronchodilators. Antifungal drugs are not used to treat ABPA

What drugs interact with systemic antifungal drugs?

systemic antifungal drugs may interact with many other medicines.Among the drugs that may interact.are: acetaminophen.birth control pills.(androgens).(estrogens).medicine for other types of infections.antidepressants.antihistamines.

Why aren't antifungal drugs used to treat ABPA?

Antifungal drugs are not used to treat ABPA because it is caused by an allergic reaction to Aspergillus rather than by direct infection of tissue

What conditions are treated with systemic antifungal drugs?

used to treat infections in various parts of the body that are caused by a fungus.systemic infections, yeast infections or topical infections.used to prevent or treat fungal infections in people whose immune systems are weakened.

Can drugs treat Aspergillus?

None of the currently available antifungal drugs are reliably effective against Aspergillus

What dosing is most effective for systemic antifungal drugs?

The recommended dosage depends on the type of antifungal drug.Systemic antifungal drugs work best when their amount is kept constant in the body, meaning that they have to be taken regularly, at the same time every day, and without missing any doses.